Develop a solid college list.
Make a list of 15 or 20 colleges that are of
interest to you. Consider who you are and
what you want out of a school, but don’t
limit yourself. The college search is about
exploration. Make sure your list includes
different types schools: public, private,
in-state, and out-of-state schools, and also
schools of varying degrees of selectivity.
You want to be sure to have many options.

Take SAT/ACT and AP Exams as applicable. The SAT/ACT is typically offered throughout the spring. Many students take the tests a second time to improve their scores. If you took Advance Placement Classes, you can take the AP Exams to possibly earn college credit.
Begin to compile financial documents during tax season. You and your family will need copies of your prior year’s federal tax returns and W-2s when you complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in the fall. We recommend locating and making copies of those documents for your college file in the spring while you’re working on your current tax year filing.
Attend college fairs and financial aid events. At these events, you can collect literature about numerous schools, meet with representatives of the colleges, and get answers to any questions you may have.